Thursday, 31 May 2012

I am definitely not in Kansas - Construction in Africa

It is whole different world over here for sure!!!  This is scaffolding at the base floor of the building I work at.....small trees and rough timber...amazing it does not fall down. Everywhere you look, there is construction happening. And people walking everywhere.

and here is another one....

I was out in the community all day today...Since I am here for three months, I go with the Social Workers on their "normal" route.....Whew....long walks through some scary parts of the slums...and all eyes were on the "white man" for sure, But the houses we visited were so grateful we came.  Amos, a 5 year old child who is deaf, jumped out of his skin when we arrived at his "hut". He was motioning for me to take a picture, then he lead us all in the alphabet, using sign language. He is fortunate enough to have his parents pay for him to attend a special school for the deaf, virtually unheard of, if you live in the slums, but his mother has a very good cooking business. 

There are no laws regarding disabilities in Africa. Imagine!

Rose, mother and son, Amos

1 comment:

  1. A CLEAN slum????? Yikes!! So glad you don't have to sleep there! Little Amos is so cute! It must be a good thing that there is building everywhere - shows growth, yes?
